

Our mission statement informs our approach to teaching at all levels. Whether a first semester language course or an advanced film seminar, our courses provide students with the linguistic skills, 跨文化能力, 和 critical thinking skills they need to succeed beyond the classroom. In fact, extracurricular learning begins right here. 我们提供学分实习、志愿者机会和无数的出国留学选择.


Check out what 法国主要 和 德国 minor Stefanie Smith is up to!  作为一名在塞内加尔卡夫林的和平队志愿者,斯蒂芬妮一直忙着把圣. 爱德华的 University ideals into action. 他的法语和国际商务双学位有助于培养年轻企业家,同时也是该市第一家废物管理公司的创始人.